Monday, March 23, 2015

Rio Bueno and Caupolican baptisms

We have had two children baptized in the past two weeks, both boys about 10 years old.  Both Martin and Tomas were baptized by Elder Sanchez.  Martin is in the Rio Bueno ward and Tomas is in the Caupolican ward.

Martin was baptized in the Rio Bueno River.  The two of Rio Bueno has a very nice area for swimming and partying on the shore of the river so we held the baptism at the far end of the swimming area.  I love this picture,  Martin is looking at Elder Sanchez as if he is thinking, "This is what I want to be when I grow up, a missionary!"

Tomas was baptized in the baptismal font at the Caupolican branch building.  Elder Sanchez was transferred to an Osorno ward a week ago but received permission to come back to baptize Tomas as he taught the family the gospel.

1 comment:

  1. I love this! Actually in a river and he looks so happy.
