Monday, January 5, 2015

Pancakes for the Hermanas!

We had the six hermanas over for pancakes and fruit for our cambio get-together.  Once ever six weeks I try to have the sister missionaries over for some North American food so this cambio we had pancakes and I showed them what to use as Bisquick in Chile!  We also make Mug Brownies and Blueberry Crisp, both in the microwave.  The ovens here are hard to use and every missionary house has a microwave so I tend to go that direction.  We had a great time even if our dining table is a little small for six sisters!  (It is made for four.)  It was fun to have them here -- talking and laughing.  I had them sign the apron Carolyn Follett sent me so I would have all their names after the mission.

Osorno Volcun - November 2014

We went on a viaje (trip) with her elders and hermanas from our zone to the Osorno Volcano last week.  It was a very cloudy day and we were worried that the volcano would be covered with clouds but we came out of the clouds a little before we got to the volcano and it was beautiful!  Very windy!  We stood on Osorno volcano and could see the Calbuco Volcano across the valley.  There are 7 volcanoes in the upper half of the mission and you can see three of them from La Union where we live.  The missionaries went in a chartered van and we drove as there was not room for us in the van.  We  had time on the way home to take pictures.  It was fun!

Huilo Huilo December 2014

Preparation days are Mondays.  As senior missionaries we have a lot more freedom to visit other missionaries in the mission.  The Biggs live in the northern-most part of the mission. Huilo Huilo is a gorgeous area in the their area, lots of water falls.  We went with two other senior missionary couples, the Biggs and the Beecrofts.  Chile is gorgeous!