Friday, December 13, 2013

La Union

Sundays are good days to practice our Spanish.  It is interesting learning a new language in a foreign country.  When we speak or write in English we keep thinking of Spanish words, and then when we speak in Spanish we do the reverse. So we often get things mixed up. Wish we could say everything will clear up tomorrow but we know better.  Every country has regional accents, but some of the people speak as if they had marbles in their mouths. On the other hand, we speak as if part of our brains are missing.

La Union (literally the "The Union) was named after the junction of two rivers. One is a very large river that runs from the Andes to the coast, and the other is a smaller river that runs through town and joins the larger one, hence "the union" of the two rivers or "La Union."  The surrounding countryside is green with lots of grass, cultivated fields and trees. This region is called the "lake district" of Chile, and there are big signs along the freeway touting tourism in this area. Everyone know when the tourist season starts--it's December 21, the first day of summer.

Lots of sheep, cows, and goats here:

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