Yesterday I gave my first mensaje (talk) in sacrament meeting. We were asked to speak about missionary work, I was rewriting it (again, adding things) last Friday, feeling very good because I was doing this so far in advance. I thought we were speaking this coming week, the last week of October. Keith told me that I needed to translate it into Spanish soon because we were speaking this Sunday! I was a week wrong! I finished the talk, used Google Translate, and then I went over it to see if I could fix Google. It is not always correct. So I adjusted what I could and gave it to Keith. He fixed it so I could say it and it made sense. Then I went over it again so I knew what I was saying in Spanish. Keith was working on his talk too, but he is better, much better, with Spanish so I didn't worry about him!
I practiced and practiced so I could say the Spanish words with meaning. It was like being the youth speaker all over again! I was practicing in the kitchen on Sunday morning and Keith overheard me and told me to slow down, that I was speaking too fast! That helped calm me down. I had a bad moment when the branch president announced that I would speak first, but once I got to the pulpit and opened my talk, I was fine. The members even laughed when they were supposed to laugh! So I consider it a success.
I spoke about how to become a missionario matrimonio (a senior missionary), about what happened to us before the MTC, MTC and how I did not learn Spanish there like the young missionaries, and how we got to La Union. I spoke about family history, our assignment in the mission. It was kinda of fun because the expectations were so low!
I recommend this to everyone -- missions are great!
Am I commenting twice or did I just lose my comment? Anyway it is an act of faith to give a talk or to teach a lesson, or serve in any capacity, and even more so to do it in a foreign language. Way to exercise your faith, Barbara.