I am working on El Rescate, the Rescue. We have a database that compares two databases, the MLS from the Church and the Chile voter registration database. In Chile everyone over 18 has a Rut number, an ID number and we are trying to find the Rut numbers for members of the Church that are missing in MLS. Then we an compare addresses that the Church ahs and the addresses in the Registro Civil and have the missionaries go out and find these people and invite them back to Church. It will help clean up the MLS system, moving people who have moved into another ward, removing people who have died, etc. It is a great program.
But I am having a hard time trying to find people and it has been frustrating. However, I am getting much better about Chilean name spelling and deciding if the person in the Registro Civil is the same person as in the Church's MLS. The work is moving forward!
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